Theory of Change
How we're driving change
Our Theory of Change outlines the impact we aim to achieve through our projects and initiatives, and our pathway to delivering it.

Our Theory of Change illustrates:
- The core problems that our work is solving
- The work we do and the results we deliver
- Our immediate and long-term impact
We’re prioritising building our evidence base around our theory of change as a core part of our business model to prove that verified delivery works. You can read more about our evidence of impact on the Impact page.
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Our impact goals
- We’ll connect with hard-to-reach populations through improved targeting and visibility.
- We’ll unlock access to basic services, rights, and entitlements for the world’s most vulnerable people.
- We’ll drive efficiency to help service providers reach more people.
- Vulnerable populations will experience improved quality of services resulting in improved wellbeing.
Latest news & updates

Enhancing community-based vaccine delivery with ethical biometric technology
Andrew Ddembe, Mobiklinic CEO, writes a guest blog reflecting on the collaboration between...
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New baseline study: Biometrically verifying malaria vaccine delivery in Ghana
Our latest study establishes a critical baseline for a project that aims to...
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Prestigious Impact Prize for Simprints’ Chief Strategy Officer
Simprints’ Chief Strategy Officer, Alexandra Grigore has been named as a Gates Cambridge...
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