Our products

All the tools you need

Our tools overcome identification challenges in the toughest settings, unlock data insights, and amplify the impact of your data. Learn more about the range of products we offer to drive your project. From our SimprintsID app to backend and mass deduplication services.

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An open-source biometric ID platform with privacy at its core. Designed for Android devices at work in the toughest offline settings. Interoperable with a range of data collection platforms and biometric algorithms with no vendor lock-in.

Biometric algorithms

Choose your preferred algorithm from open-source or commercial partners. Not sure what to use? Work with our Delivery Services team to choose the right algorithm for your project.

Backend services & data visualisation

For quick deployment, use our cloud backend for project setup, large-scale deduplication, and dashboards. Hosting locally? Use our Android APIs to sync data with your backend and visualisation tools.

SimprintsID App

Our open-source Android app enables a frontline worker to enrol, identify or verify a beneficiary using their biometrics. SimprintsID can easily be integrated into any native Android application. It’s interoperable with a range of data collection platforms and biometric algorithms with no vendor lock-in.


  • Easy integration into any Android app like CommCare, DHIS2 Capture, ODK, and more.
  • Works online or offline.
  • Optimised for low-end devices on the frontlines.


Access Simprints open-source code

Biometric algorithms & technology

Fingerprint modality

The fingerprint modality is enabled via our flagship product, the Vero scanner. We’ve been developing this product for over nine years to meet the extreme demands of last-mile health and humanitarian aid use cases, with a design focus on accuracy, mobility and robustness.


  • Handheld and wireless, making it convenient for field workers to use.
  • Connects to Android devices via Bluetooth, so there’s no need for physical connection and issues with wire trips and disconnection.
  • Works with the fingerprints of adults and even children as young as nine months of age.

Use cases

Facial recognition modality

The facial recognition modality works in our SimprintsID app, using the camera hardware within the Android device.


  • Extensively tested with diverse populations around the world.
  • Works in sunny fields or shadowy clinics.
  • Optimised for low-end devices, so you don’t need to replace your existing Android devices.

Use cases

Backend services & data visualisation

Ready to deploy quickly? Use our cloud-hosted backend to configure your project, run large-scale deduplications, or power your dashboards.

Seamless project configuration

We offer biometric identification technology that easily integrates into existing tools, bespoke project setup, & robust training.

Large-scale deduplication

Our large-scale biometric deduplication engine ensures a clean dataset, where one person = one record.

Dashboards and data analytics

We work with you to identify your analytics needs. Better data means greater transparency and impact.

Hosting data locally?

Use our Android APIs to sync data locally through your backend infrastructure and visualisation tools.


Power your work with Simprints

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